Saturday, April 26, 2008

r54 insshort()

I've added a sub for shortening assembly code. It contains less information than the long-hand variety, but it's handy for blog postings and diagrams. insflow() and fnflow() now use this by default.

m4s> select insshort(asm) from code limit 20;
4000: mov #23168, &0x0120
4006: mov #19036, r15
400a: mov #4352, r14
400e: mov #4354, r13
4012: cmp r14, r13
4014: jz $+12
4016: mov.b @r15+, 0(r14)
401a: inc r14
401c: cmp r13, r14
401e: jnc $-8
4020: mov #4354, r15
4024: mov #4407, r13
4028: cmp r15, r13
402a: jz $+12
402c: mov.b #0, 0(r15)
4030: inc r15
4032: cmp r13, r15
4034: jnc $-8
4036: br #0x43dc


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